path: root/zsh/.zsh/.zshrc
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-04-08Remove oh-my-zshUrbain Vaes
2018-03-15Show hostname in prompt in sshUrbain Vaes
2018-02-21Improve i3 statusUrbain Vaes
2018-02-21Fix colorscheme in vimUrbain Vaes
2018-01-30Add zsh bindingsUrbain Vaes
2018-01-22[zsh] Add handy bindingsUrbain Vaes
2018-01-18Make minor changesUrbain Vaes
2018-01-10Sort references by timeUrbain Vaes
2017-12-13Split zsh configuration in several fileUrbain Vaes
This allows the environment defined in .zshenv to be available when running commands with 'ssh user@host command'